Dora B. Woodyard Memorial Library
Strategic Plan
(Effective January 2018)
The Dora Bee Woodyard Memorial Library leads the community by giving all residents lifelong opportunities to learn and to thrive in a stimulating and supportive environment.
Established in 1962 and expanded in 1980, the library was built as a memorial to the mother of Elizabeth native, Ronald B. Woodyard. During his lifetime Mr. Woodyard contributed substantial sums of money toward the library as well as to other community projects.
The Library has the distinction of being one of the first cooperative school/public libraries in the state of West Virginia. The Wirt County Board of Trustees and the Wirt County Board of Education have established a unique bond over the years which has allowed the library to fully serve the students and the public of Wirt County.
Service Response 1: General Information Goals and Objectives
Become a community resource of choice for information on a wide range of topics related to work, school, social, civic, and personal life.
- Increase the number of males of all ages who use the library.
- Increase the number of all residents in the 18-29 year age group who use the library.
Sample activities: Schedule more programs which appeal to males such as sports, games, and hunting themed programs; schedule more programs which appeal to residents in the 18-29 age group which may include parenting, hobbies, electronic gaming, chess/checkers etc.; provide a discussion group forum at the library; CPR training; veterans groups.
Enhance the public image of the library to allow residents to view it as an integral segment of the community which is of paramount importance to the well-being of the community. - Use the “Explore. Discover. Create.” campaign and other public relations tools to make the public more aware of what the library has to offer.
- Continue to serve the students of Wirt County High School and Middle School at a high level.
Sample activities: Use the Explore. Discover. Create. campaign to put the library in the public eye; increase both the quantity and the quality of advertising for the library; continue collaborating with WCHS teachers in teaching information literacy and assisting with research; use more word-of-mouth testimonials for advancing the use of the library; create a library list-serve, continue to use social media, develop the library brand.
Service Response 2: Basic Literacy Goals and Objectives
Provide materials and programming that will build literacy skills regardless of the age of the patron. - Increase the number of outreach programs that the library holds.
- Assure that all citizens can pursue their interests with the effective support of the library.
- Promote the Imagination Library program with renewed emphasis.
Sample activities: Promote Imagination Library with the state ambassador, Jessica Lynch; continue strong efforts with Summer Reading; continue programs such as Read and Feed; look into after school programs for adolescents and/or middle school age students; continue efforts to reach adult patrons who need help with various technologies/devices; continue to hold book clubs for high school and adult patrons; use interlibrary loan effectively to support patrons’ needs.
Provide educational and leisure time opportunities and resources for residents of all ages. - Maximize support for research assistance and instruction for classes, teachers, and other library patrons using 21st century skills and tools.
- Continue to provide training for the use of e-Books and e-Readers.
- Promote the use of e-Books.
- Continue to provide book clubs for adults and high school students.
Sample activities: Increase the number of trainings/workshops for the use of e-Books and e-Readers; utilize WCHS students to provide technology training for library patrons; continue collaboration with WCHS teachers in the use of library databases for student research; update the library website; continue the use of social bookmarking tools; continue to bridge the digital divide by supplying up-to-date computers for patrons to use.
Service Response 3: Cultural Awareness Goals and Objectives
Provide the environment to facilitate the opportunities for engagement in local arts, cultural, and genealogical activities. - Increase the number of arts and cultural programs, exhibits, and displays sponsored by the library.
- Promote the activities mentioned above in an effective manner.
- Promote in an effective manner.
Sample activities: Use local crafters and historians to host genealogical, crafting, and cultural programs; use local authors as presenters; provide local knitters, etc. a place to meet; have classes on herbs, seed exchanges (Heirloom seeds), etc.; promote these and other activities by using the digital sign at Calhoun Bank.
Enhance the public image of the library as a partner with community agencies, the educational system, and other stakeholders. - Work with other agencies and stakeholders to provide programming that reflects cultural and community interests.
- Emphasize that the library has a free conference/meeting room which community agencies can use for their meetings and programs.
Sample activities: Display of Explore. Discover. Create. signs in local businesses and agencies, send letters or emails to local agencies pointing out our willingness to work with them on programming, make contacts with community leaders about how we can work with them.
Adapted by the Dora B. Woodyard Memorial Library Board of Trustees
Date: __________________________________
Board President: _________________________
There were 108 responses to our nine question survey. The survey was distributed through the library, the high school, and on the library’s web page.
- Are you male or female? 38% female; 62% male
- Age group of those using the library? 69% age 17 or younger; 7% ages 18-29; 6% ages 30-39; 6% ages 40-49; 7% ages 50-59; 7% ages 60 and above.
- Which of these library services have you used? The top five were book check out, WiFi, DVD check out, internet and library web page, and copy/printing.
- Which of these library programs have you attended? Story Hour and Summer Reading were the most attended events with all other programming in a virtual tie for second.
- How do you find out about library events? Word of mouth was the most popular answer with Facebook as the second most popular choice.
- How often do you use the library? A few times per month was the most popular answer with less than once a month being the second choice.
- What are reasons you don’t use the library? Of the choices given, “I don’t use any of the services the library has to offer” was the most given reason.
- What programs/services would be beneficial for the library to add? Open WiFi, game room, food/vending machine; many said no changes were necessary; several mentioned having materials or programs that are already in place.
- Please comment on your primary reasons you use/and or like the library. Most common answers included books, internet access, friendly and helpful staff.